Winter Newsletter 2013

 Winter Season

 Newsletter 2013

LAST TERM – we explored shapes, colours , and whats is in side builds.

Outings ~ farm, parks and visit local church shops such as butchers shop and different supermarkets to help support learning. Had rides on buses.

With autumn finished and winter here, we shall explore with fun activities the topics below.

DECEMBER – this months topic  WEATHER- WIND, RAIN, SUN, SNOW – Making snow pictures, and Christmas decorations. Talk about the weather cooler snowing sleet hail. coats gloves hats our changing clothing for this season.

JANUARY –  this months topic – NUMBERS – COUNTING SONGS – Playing counting games and building with bricks. There are numbers on our doors and count things , steps we step up, numbers in shops, prices, on buses etc

FEBRUARY – this months topic – HEALTHY EATING – GOOD FOODS & EXERCISE – Trying new fruits, prepare our own lunch exercise and healthy eating are important everyday.


Children centre Christmas party 17th Dec

Last day break up for Christmas friday 20th Dec 

Returning Monday 6th Jan 2014

POSSIBLE OUTINGS AND INFORMAL LEARNING- the Ecology park, Marion Wilson park to see reindeer, Ruxley garden centre christmas and ice skating display. Numbers explored through cooking and other science based play. Make smoothies from fruits we buy and try. Explore healthy options.

What do you do at home with your child ?

What can we learn from your activities with your child ? 

This information is vital for us in supporting your growing child.

Thank you for your ongoing support and working with us in partnership.

The seven  areas  of learning are listed and are  covered in every topic each monthLanguage and Literacy, Physical, Personal Social Emotional , Creative Art Development,  and Knowledge of the World, Maths (EYFS 12)


Finally Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year